Waterford Dental

Healthy Start

Help your kids grow to their optimal potential.

Healthy Start

Most kids will not have adequate space for their adult teeth to come in properly. Additionally, inadequate jaw growth sets them up for airway and sleep-disordered breathing. Healthy Start is a non-invasive way to maximize your little one’s growth to accommodate their teeth and optimize their airway. 

What is Healthy Start?

The goal of Healthy Start is to help kids create good oral habits and proper growth. This allows for the adult teeth to come in straight, with enough room for a healthy airway and sleep. It also teaches proper breathing at night, which allows for healthy sleep. Uninterrupted, restful sleep is key for kids’ growth, development, and behavior.

How does Healthy Start work?

It is a series of soft, removable appliances that train the tongue and guide the teeth. The tongue is a strong muscle in the mouth that is integral in jaw growth and development. By training the tongue to be in the proper position while your little one sleeps, good habits are formed. The initial appliance also promotes nasal breathing, which is key to healthy, restful sleep. The initial appliance also promotes nasal breathing, which is key to healthy, restful sleep. Subsequent appliances help guide the teeth into place as they erupt. By guiding the teeth into the proper place (rather than moving them after they are already in like braces do), we often don’t find the need for retainers for life.

Appliances are worn overnight and/or for a couple of hours a day. These appliances are not anything that has to be worn to school or full-time.

What are signs that my child needs Healthy Start?

  • Snoring
  • Grinding
  • Mouth breathing
  • Baby teeth with no spaces
  • Thumb sucking
  • Gummy smile
  • Crossbites
What age do we start?

The ideal time to start is between 3-5 years of age. This allows us to fix any bad habits and get the appliances in place prior to the first permanent tooth erupting. However, all ages of kids are candidates. 

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